Sunday, September 13, 2009

Da Bears! and the rest of the summer

Well, this summer has been pretty fun! Luke finally passed his Players Ability Test for golf and is now an official member of the PGA! 16 times the charm! For his present for passing I got him tickets to the Bears-Broncos game. He is a huge Bears fan and had never been to a professional game. It was a blast! Especially since the Bears won!! We has awesome seats at the 20 yard line, about 16 rows up. It's amazing how different the games are when you are there watching them! It was like a little kid in a candy store allowed to have whatever he wanted. We cheered till my throat was raw!

This is the picture right before a touch down!!! Go Bears!!!

For labor day weekend we went down to Pagosa Springs to visit Luke's parents. We went down to Navajo lake on the boat and did some water skiing! I have never done it before and it was a blast!! This is a picture of Rocky hiding in the side of the boat. He got a little hot so he was trying to find shade. A few minutes later we threw the pups in the lake to cool off. They have never gone swimming but they were pros! Below is a picture of my Mother-in-law Sue water skiing! She was a pro! We all had such a good time on the lake! We are going to try to go down one more time before it gets to cold to get in the water.

This is Luke and me on the boat. I have to admit we got some good color out on the boat! What a sexy husband I have! Well that's about it for now. I'm sure I'll have some more updates shortly...


  1. Congratulations Luke!! That is so awesome! Sounds like you had a wonderful summer. Miss you guys!

  2. wow becca what fun pictures. I especially love the waterskiing. You are an awesome, amazing person.!!!!!
